Delusions of Freedom


Check on your friends who say they can’t wait to have an empty nest because some folks are delusional.

It’s me. I’m some folks. And I am not okay.

We dropped our youngest off at college in another state recently. She spent the two weeks prior to the move packing up and preparing to take on the world. Meanwhile, I was scrolling through baby pictures and hunting down the capris she wanted to wear everywhere when she was 3 years old. (Just kidding – I don’t have to hunt them down. I know exactly where they are.)

This was the goal/mission/assignment though, right? To raise a healthy, happy, and independent child to adulthood? To teach her to love herself and pursue her dreams?

Mother and daughter holding hands while walking on a sidewalk in Miami, Florida.


We’ve raised two girls to womanhood. I’m proud of who they are and fully support them as they become who and what they want to be. Mission accomplished. Assignment completed. So why do I feel so lost?

Transitioning from a household of four, to three, and finally back to a household of two is difficult. Our time is actually ours again. Kevin and I have spent the past 22 years raising kids. Our calendars have been marked from August to May with meet and greets, teacher conferences, school events, and the drama that seemed to surround preteen and teenage girls.

As our youngest daughter’s life is changing, so is ours. Every moment that I don’t cry into a mocktail is a win. Kevin, however, is planning alllllllllllllllllllll the celebrations for two.

Despite how much we’re missing our girls, we’re looking forward to what happens next.

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